Our mission is to help patients live healthier lives. We provide a caring, nurturing environment where your comfort and health is of primary importance.
A dental emergency can strike at any moment – that’s why our team of emergency specialists at Las Vegas Family Dentists are ready and willing to assist with your dental emergency as soon as one takes place. Whether you’re experiencing pain, a chipped tooth, or other emergency, get in touch with our team today to have your emergency treated.
Cosmetic dentistry is where art intersects with dentistry, and our team is capable of creating beautiful and aesthetically pleasing smiles through bonding, veneers, crowns, and other cosmetic appliances and treatments. Speak with our team today to learn how your smile can benefit from cosmetic dentistry!
Gum disease is one of the most common conditions in the US today with millions of Americans suffering from gum disease as well as tooth loss and tooth decay. The first line of defense against these oral health concerns is frequent hygiene appointments with our veteran hygiene team!
The jawbone can decay over long periods of time due to decay or a general lack of strong oral health. If you’re looking to get dental implants, bone must be added and strengthened to allow these prosthetics to be safely placed. This is where bone-grafting comes into play!
Our team at Las Vegas Family Dentists is capable of providing top-rated dental solutions to your entire family, even kids! Book your child’s next hygiene appointment or dental exam today with our veteran team of children’s dentistry specialists who are passionate about helping kids learn to love going to the dentist!