Our mission is to help patients live healthier lives. We provide a caring, nurturing environment where your comfort and health is of primary importance.
When teeth are removed or are missing, the now missing tooth root can no longer stimulate the jawbone below. This can lead to jawbone deterioration and the eventual loss of bone and other oral health and facial complications. Dental implants, which consist of a titanium root and a crown, replace missing teeth with a permanent solution that helps to retain optimal jawbone health. Dental implants are an ideal tooth replacement solution as they not only strengthen the jawbone, but help patients fully retain the function of teeth in speaking, eating, and speaking.
Implants themselves are placed through surgery, and through a healing process these titanium posts actually fuze to the jawbone, creating a permanent and stable hold. After this healing process has occurred, a crown is then placed on top of the tooth that is matched to the rest of your natural teeth.
Dental implants are possible due to modern advancements in dental technology that allow our team at Las Vegas Family Dentists to complete these procedures and treatments with minimal discomfort and tremendous final results. Our veteran team leverages treatment protocols and techniques that help patients achieve the best possible final treatment results, and we also aim to support dental appliances such and bridges and dentures with the fewest number of dental implants possible. In the time between when your implants are placed and when your final crowns are received, your dentist will provide prosthetic crowns that act as temporary teeth until your final crowns are placed.
A Versatile Tooth Replacement Solution
Dental implants are an ideal tooth replacement solution as they help to retain the full function of the teeth and jaw as well as the underlying jawbone structure, making for a permanent and effective long-term solution to missing teeth. Dental implants can be leveraged in a variety of treatment circumstances:
Bridgework can be help permanently in place with the help of only a few dental implants in the right locations in the mouth. Bridges can often be placed without removing any teeth, and these teeth are simply ground down to make room for the bridge. In some cases, however, where patients are missing teeth, implants will be placed in these locations in order to further support these appliances.
Partial dentures can also be supported with dental implants. These are a more convenient option for patients who prefer removable appliances as opposed to a permanent solution.
Full sets of dentures can be supported by dental implants as well, with only a few dental implants being able to support full sets of dentures. Some dental patients have come to prefer dentures over other tooth replacement options, whereas other patients prefer full sets of implants themselves.
Dental implants are a highly reliable, safe, and time-tested tooth replacement solution that allows patients to replace adult teeth permanently. Dental implants, again, are permanent, and therefore eliminate the need for removable dentures which some patients find to be uncomfortable. Dental implants are a long-term and permanent tooth replacement solution that will last a lifetime when taken care of.
Overall, dental implants are a highly patient-endorsed tooth replacement solution that help patients achieve full and permanent tooth replacements that patients traditionally prefer to dentures and other removable tooth replacement options.
Get in touch with our veteran implant dentistry team at Las Vegas Family Dentists today to learn which tooth replacement and implant options may be best for you!
TEETH-IN-AN-HOUR are an advancement in dental implant technology that are now able to be offered to patients at Las Vegas Family Dentists thanks to recent advancements in dental technology. This remarkable new treatment solution leverages both dental and surgical techniques that allow for faster and precise placement of dental implants, as well as the crowns that sit atop them. The manufacturing of these crowns can be completed even before the implant surgery itself has been completed, making for an extremely efficient and effective long-term solution for patients looking to enhance and strength their smile and jaw through dental implants! Patients who undergo this new type of implant treatment can typically go about their normal schedules the very next day.
This system starts with scans of the mouth and jawbone and allow our team to identify the most optimal areas for implant placement, and the ability of these site’s to support implants and dental prosthetics. These scans are paired with software that allow our team to maximize the accuracy in implant placement as well as the benefits of the long-term treatment results that our patients experience.
Dental implant surgeries can take around 30 minutes to an hour to complete, and can take longer if multiple implants are being placed. The number of implants placed and the time required for a successful surgery depend on the goals of each individual patient, and the treatment plan that they have decided with their dentist. Implant placement then begins with small incisions being made where the implants will be placed, and then the jawbone itself is excessed so that a space for the implant can be created with specialty tools. Once the implant is placed, this area will then need to heal before final crowns are placed.
The healing process is vital to the overall dental implant process as this is when the implants themselves fuze to the jawbone, and is a process that can take several months as enough time must be allowed for this process to fully take place. This healing phase creates a very strong hold, making dental implants a long-term treatment solution that strengthen teeth as well as the jawbone. Different patients will require different healing times as this can depend on jawbone strength, jawbone density, how many teeth are being replaced and other factors. Once fully healed, your dentist will then place crowns on top of the implants, competing the dental implant process. The gum tissue around the implant site will then heal as well, finalizing the treatment process. Implant patients will also need to come in for visits and exams after implants are placed that allow your dentist to monitor your treatment success tooth and jawbone function. Some patients will require gum grafts after a dental implant procedure to ensure that there is enough gum tissue to fully surround the implant site to give a natural look and feel to your dental implants.
Implants can be used to replace single missing teeth, or several depending on the treatment goals set between patients and their dentist. For some a patients, implants must be placed several weeks after a tooth extraction takes place, while others can have implants placed immediately after a tooth is extracted. This immediate placement of implants isn’t always possible depending on the current oral health conditions of the patient. Dental implant treatments may also be paired with gum grafting and bone grafting depending on patient needs and the existing jawbone and gum tissue health of the patient prior to implant placement. Some patients may initial not have the jawbone strength or density required for implant placement, making it necessary for bone or gum tissue grafting.
Dental implants are a versatile tooth replacement solution that can replace even entire missing rows of teeth that are missing due to tooth decay or other long-term oral health concerns. Some patients prefer not to wear dentures due to comfort or the convenience that comes with a permanent treatment solution such as dental implant-supported dentures or implant supported bridgework, which are both treatment solutions that can be leveraged in replacing entire rows of missing teeth. Our team at Las Vegas Family Dentists can discuss with you which treatment solutions are best for your own individual case.
When it comes to replacing entire rows of missing teeth, dental implants are an ideal treatment solution given the fact that they are a permanent, long-term treatment solution, and also in that only a few dental implants are needed to support entire rows of missing teeth. For the lower jaw, traditional removable dentures can cause inconveniences such as slipping in the mouth, and food particles being caught under the dentures, which can often be uncomfortable. However, there are some patients who prefer removable dentures due to convenience or other reasons. As few as four to six dental implants can be used to support entire rows of missing teeth, making dental implant-supported bridges and dentures convenient long-term treatment options, and can also be regularly cleaned by your dentist. These implants can support removable dentures as well as permanent dentures. With removable dentures, you’ll still be able to clean under these dentures when they are removed from the mouth.
Dental implants can also be used to replace single missing teeth, making them an ideal treatment solution for patients who only have single missing teeth. Individual implants can also be used to replace entire rows of teeth with an individual implant for each tooth, which of course will require a single implant for each individual tooth. This also requires more implants then implant-supported dentures or bridges. This is an option that certain patients may opt for given the current density and strength of their jawbone, as well as overall treatment outcome desires.
Dental implants can also be used to replace the entire row of upper teeth, and with implants, there is no need for the roof of the mouth to be covered, resulting in an overall better treatment experience as well as enjoyment when eating. Removable dentures may also be the most convenient tooth replacement option here depending on the treatment outcomes that the patient desires.
Get in touch with our team at Las Vegas Family Dentists today to learn more about which tooth implant-support replacement options are best for you!
Dental implants require that a patient possess a certain level of bone strength and jawbone density before implants can be placed. Some patients who can benefit from dental implants may not possess this needed bone strength and density immediately. This is when bone grafting comes into play, which can help patients achieve the needed jawbone strength and density needed for dental implants to be placed. Bone grafts are performed right after a tooth is extracted to help this area begin to create more bone material on its own before implants themselves are placed. After a healing and bone rebuilding period of several months, this area will then have the strength and density needed for implants to be placed. Bone grafting is a procedure that, while invasive, many patients report feeling little pain or discomfort, as the use of local and even general anesthetics can be used. Sinus grafts may also be required if the sinus wall is too thin in an area in the upper jaw where implants need to be placed.
Speak with our veteran implant dentistry team at Las Vegas Family Dentists today to learn more about bone grafting and how it can play in to dental implants.
Overdentures supported by dental implants are a turnkey and modern solution for replacing full rows of teeth with dental implants, helping patients achieve the best possible long-term treatment goals and success. Traditional dentures can be problematic given the sliding and lack of security that can occur with them, making more permanent tooth replacement options necessary. Denture can also cause much discomfort for patients, making patients want to turn to replacement options that don’t leverage removable appliances that slide in the mouth or dig into the cheeks and gums. More permanent treatment solutions can also help patients enjoy their food more when it comes to tasting and fully enjoying the meal. Implant Supported Overdentures also require less implants, making them more convenient than single-implant supported row of replacement teeth. They also minimize the need for bone and gum grafts that can often be necessary with other dental implant procedures. Once implants are initially placed as part of this treatment solution, a healing process must then occur before final prosthetics are placed, in this case a bridge. Once placed, you can go back to eating the same foods as before with full enjoyment.
Speak with our team at Las Vegas Family Dentists today to learn if this is an optimal treatment solution for you!
During the period in which your implants themselves are healing and when the final crowns are placed on your implants, there are different prosthesis items available that can be selected depending on each case. Some patients can receive temporary removable teeth, while other patients may prefer non-removable teeth that are placed the same day that implants are attached. This depends on the jawbone strength and healing timeline of each individual patient, and different patients will have different options available to them.
While dental implants are a highly reliable and time-tested solution for missing teeth, there can be potential risk factors that patients in certain cases should consider, and that our team will discuss with each patient before the implant procedure takes place. It should be noted that most implant patients do not report prolonged pain or discomfort after their implant procedure, and local or general anesthetics are leveraged during the implant procedure itself to help patients remain as comfortable as possible during their treatment. On occasion, patients can develop infections in the sites of where their implants were placed, which is why antibiotics are often prescribed that help patients avoid these infections after treatment. While your dentist will work with great diligence to protect the surrounding teeth, teeth that surround the implant site can sometimes be damaged in the placement process. This is another reason why it is vitalt o choose an experienced implant dentistry team when deciding to replace missing teeth with dental implants, as our team has developed the treatment protocols and procedures necessary to avoid instances like these. Some patients also report a numbness in the tongue or cheek tissue after their procedure, which is why it’s necessary to always report these symptoms to your dentist as soon as possible to have these or related symptoms monitored.
One of the best aspects of dental implants is that they are a life-long and permanent treatment solution that last a lifetime when properly cared for and monitored by your dentist. Studies have also shown extremely high long-term success rates for dental implant patients of upwards of 80-90%. Your dentist will carefully monitor dental implants for any signs of complications after your implants are placed, making it necessary to have routine exams after your implant treatment to ensure that your implants are carefully monitored for any potential complications.
Final crowns are typically placed after the dental implant healing process has taken place, which can take several months after
The replacement teeth are usually attached to the implant when adequate healing has occurred and your jaw bone is firmly fused to the implant. Depending on a variety of factors, it may be possible to begin this phase of your treatment immediately or shortly after implant placement. We will review the most appropriate treatment sequence and timing for your particular situation.
The dental work required to complete your treatment is complex. Most of the work involves actually making the new teeth before they are placed. Your appointments are considered more comfortable and more pleasant than previous methods of tooth replacement.
Your restorative treatment begins with specialized impressions that allow us to produce a replica of your mouth and implants. We will also make “bite” records so that we see the relationship of your upper and lower jaws. With this information, we will make the abutments (support posts) that attach your replacement teeth to your implants. Various types of abutments exist. Frequently, we can use “off the shelf” abutments. Other times, custom abutments must be made of gold or a tooth-colored ceramic material. As you can imagine, these custom made abutments add to the cost and treatment time involved. Which abutment to use is a decision that often cannot be made until after healing is complete and impressions have been made.
The number of appointments and the amount of time required for each appointment is different for each patient. No two cases are exactly the same and regardless of the number of teeth replaced, the work must be completed with great precision and attention to detail. If you are having only a few teeth replaced, as few as three short appointments may be required. Between appointments, we will need time to complete the necessary lab work to make your replacement teeth. It is most beneficial that you keep all of your scheduled appointments.
If your final restoration is a removable denture, you will need to come to as many as five office appointments (although it may be fewer) over the following several months. During these appointments, we will perform a series of impressions, bites and adjustments in order to make your new teeth, as well as the custom support bars, snaps, magnets, or clips that will secure your teeth to the implants. During this period, every effort will be made to ensure you have comfortable, temporary replacement teeth.
In general, once your implants are placed, you can expect your tooth replacement treatment to be completed anywhere from 1 to 12 months. For these reasons, it is difficult for us to tell you exactly how much the restorative phase of your treatment will cost, although you should receive a reasonable estimate from our office. It also is difficult to give you a specific timeframe for completion of your treatment until after the implants are ready for restoration.
Usually, a dental surgeon places the implant(s) and performs other necessary surgical procedures – your general dentist provides the temporary and permanent replacement teeth. Both doctors are involved in planning your dental treatment. Also, depending upon a variety of factors, different dental specialists may help with your dental care.
Before treatment begins, every effort will be made to give you an accurate estimate of all the expenses involved in placing the implants and making your replacement teeth. In many cases, there is an initial charge for the diagnostic work-up, including study models, x-rays, and the fabrication of a surgical template to ensure the best possible result. In addition you will be charged for the abutment or support post(s), plus the crown, dentures, or anything else that will be placed over the implants, including temporary restorations. Periodic maintenance such as hygiene visits, tissue conditioners, denture relines and other repairs will also incur additional charges.
When different doctors are involved in your treatment, you will be charged separately for their services. We will try to assist you in estimating what your actual payments will be after we evaluate your insurance coverage or other third party payments. Also, you should consider your personal financial investment in each treatment option as some insurance companies provide limited or no coverage.
Each patient is unique, and it is not possible for us to discuss every option and every contingency for treatment outcome. This website is intended to help you understand the general treatment options available to you. If your specific treatment options are not clear, please contact us. We will be happy to answer any questions you have about your dental care.
Dental implants are a time-tested and reliable solution that patients in need of a long-term tooth replacement option can rely on. Implant technology has also been strengthened in just the past several years thanks to new innovations and treatment protocols that further improve final results and patient satisfaction. However, there are several different aspects of dental implants that patients should always take the time to consider before getting dental implants:
Dental implants can often be more expensive than other tooth restorations and tooth replacement options. However, it should be noted that dental implants, while expensive, provide a long-term and highly reliable solution that can last the rest of your life when properly maintained and cared for. Dentures and bridges are immediately more affordable, but may require more maintenance down the line that make them a more expensive option in the long-term. Again, this depends heavily on each patient’s case, but dental implants will typically be less expensive and vastly more convenient in the long run.
Dental implants help to preserve lost and deteriorated jawbone which can begin to weaken overtime simply as an aspect of aging. Implants themselves help to keep the jawbone stimulated, therefore helping the jawbone be able to form new bone cells and bone material on its own without the need for grafting or any other treatments down the line. Implants also help to maintain jaw and bite function and strength, given that dental implants themselves actually fused to the jawbone, making for an incredibly strong hold that protects the jaw.
Dental implants also help to preserve the function of your bite when it comes to eating, helping patients continue to enjoy their favorite foods. This is a much more convenient solution than most cases of dentures, which can often make it difficult for patients to enjoy their meals. Implants also help to prevent the hinderance in speech that decaying jawbone can create, helping patients continue to speak normally without any interference in their speech.
There are many different aspects of dental implants cases that can affect price. When looking at what different dental offices will charge for an implant cases, there are different cost implications that patients could keep in mind and that offices will use to determine the costs associated with treatment:
You should always see what items of the above will be covered, at least partially, by your insurance company before committing to care. At Las Vegas Family Dentists, we offer flexible payment plans and are in-network with many different commercial insurance providers in order to make paying for your care as easy as possible! Dental implants are a long-term investment not just in the aesthetics of your smile, but much more importantly, your long-term oral health.
If you still have questions about dental implants or would like to speak with our team about the best tooth replacement options for you, get in touch with our veteran team at Las vegas Family Dentists today to learn more about our implant dentistry solutions!
When teeth are removed or are missing, the now missing tooth root can no longer stimulate the jawbone below. This can lead to jawbone deterioration and the eventual loss of bone and other oral health and facial complications.